Open-minded Perspective

Are you open-minded?
According to a Harvard study, up to 95% of people think they’re open-minded. In reality, only 10-15% are actually open-minded. Why the disconnect?
Being open-minded means being able to consider other perspectives and trying to be empathetic to others, even when you disagree with them. A view that can pose a challenge when we have a strong opinion. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have convictions, but a firm belief should not negate an open mind.
At some point, we all place more attention and/or credibility on information that confirms our existing opinions while at the same time discounting evidence that challenges what we think. This is known as confirmation bias and is one of the most significant contributors to closed-mindedness. It needs to be kept in check to reach a critical and rational evaluation of a situation.
Another bias that may limit learning and rational observation is a cognitive bias or the Dunning-Kruger effect. In this instance, people overestimate their knowledge of a topic, making them blind to their ignorance.
Although counterintuitive, experts can be susceptible to this type of bias. Become dogmatic in thinking, believing that they already know everything, and are less likely to absorb new information and entertain new ideas.
Our 30+ years of experience have taught us to be humble about our knowledge; we know there is always more to learn. We don’t claim to have immediate answers or think we know it all. We work with our clients to expand their perspectives and help to discover and execute informed solutions to meet and surpass their goals.